   2015-04-13 17:20:36    文字:【】【】【


Everybody knows something about HR. Nobody knows everything. Most people think they know more than others.2、没有完美的人才管理解决方案。这完全视具体情况而定,只需选择当前最合适的方案。

There is no perfect HR solution. It all depends. Just choose the current best.3、昨天的解决方案就是今天的问题。努力找寻一种方式,避免今日的方案变成明天的问题。

Yesterday's solution is today's problem. Find a solution in a way that will not become a problem tomorrow.4、人力资源工作30%是科学管理,30%源于工作经验,而30%是从业者的个人偏好。我们需要更加科学的管理。那剩下的10%呢?没有人知道,因为它还没有出现。

HR work is 30% science, 30% experience, and 30% preference. We need more science. What about 10%? We don't know, since it is yet to come.5、人人都说人是最重要的资产,他们却总是将人员管理的议题放在最后(往往因为缺乏时间而未进行讨论)。难道我们真的把最重要的留在了最后?Everybody says people are the most important assets. And they put people agendat every end (and fail to discuss it because of lack of time). Are we saving the best for the last?6、人力资源从业者必须了解业务。为了与业务部门高效合作,HR必须充分了解业务。如果HR对业务的了解多过业务口的伙伴,那我们还需要后者做甚?

HR professional should know business. HR needs to understand business well enough to work effectively with business people. If HR know business more and better than business people, why do we need the latter?7、HR针对业务部门的问题提供人才管理解决方案,尽管并非所有业务问题都需要人才管理方案。

HR provides HR solutions to business problems. Not all business problems require HR solutions, though.8、HR提供人员辅导、意见反馈,并以最佳友善地方式对待业务部门的领导。但是又有谁在乎HR呢?HR领导者必须在心理和情感上足够强大,足够自主,足够独立!

HR provides coaching, feedback, and even friendship to the lonely business leader at the top. Who takes care of HR? HR leader at the top should be mentally and emotionally strong, autonomous, and independent.9、大多数的领导都喜欢人力资源经理,但这并非源于其职能。每一位人力资源经理都在辛勤地工作,努力地取悦业务部门领导,以一种独特地与人力资源管理初衷背道而驰的方式。

Most leaders love their HR manager, not HR as a Function. Every HR manager works hard to satisfy his or her business leader in a uniquely different way that gradually kills the Function.10、尽管如此,我仍继续着HR的工作,因为我热爱它。如果今天没有人愿意讨论人力资源管理的议题,那我就在明天开始。我正在努力改变人力资源管理的现状,尽管今天没有人理解和感激。很高兴看到我们的企业在今日激烈的竞争中幸存下来,也希望将来它能更加稳固、蒸蒸日上。

Nevertheless, I continue to do HR work because I love it. I drive tomorrow's agenda that nobody wants to discuss today. I make the difference that nobody appreciates today. I am happy to see this organization surviving today and standing firm and strong there tomorrow 希望能在他们的脸上看到笑容。请铭记只有幸存下来才能笑到最后。

hopefully with smiles on their face. Remember you cannot smile if you cannot survive.

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