   2014-07-31 14:37:05    文字:【】【】【

Workforce Myth #1: Employees need a strong work-life balance in order tobe energized and engaged in the workplace.


Busted: These days, work is life, and life is work; ourjobs are seamlessly blended into all aspects of our personal lives. Accordingto research by Samsung,we even spend more time on our smartphones today (119 minutes a day) than withour partners (97 minutes a day.) If you challenge this fact, I encourage you totest it out at your own home!


So why do we so often hear leaders espouse the value of a strong work-lifebalance, as if this was the only way to engage and retain the workforce? It’s not,anymore. While researching my book, The 2020Workplace,many of the Millennials Iinterviewed, (born between 1977 and 1997 and soon to be 50% of the workforce)said they already believed the work-life balance concept was long dead. Theyexpect work and life to completely blend together in today’s 24/7 world.

那为什么我们还是如此频繁地听到领导鼓吹工作与生活高度平衡的重要性呢,如同这是企业吸引和留住人才的唯一方式一般。可这并非事实,再也不是了。从我的书--The 2020 Workplace中可以看出,许多千禧一代(出生于1977年-1997年之间,即将占据50%劳动力总数)表示,他们认为工作生活相衡的观念早已烟消云散了。相反他们希望工作和生活能够在7*24小时中完完全全地融合在一起。

And we all do, especially since we are now digital citizens, with devicesthat make it easier and more appealing to stay connected. Rather than balance,we must juggle our work, personal lives, and community involvement. Researchfrom Kenexashows that employee engagement levels rise when workers are passionate aboutwhat they are working on. They become energized, when they are mission-drivenby a “BHAG” (big hairy audacious goal) or challenged by a tight deadline.


It’s during these times that work increases, personal time suffers, andstress levels increase. Yet engagement levels rise as workers confront thechallenges they face. Why? Because employees experience greater satisfactionwhen they are part of a high performing team.


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