啤酒行业 东莞区域销售经理
   2023-09-03 17:25:35    文字:【】【】【

根据公司整体的销售方针和策略, 制定并实施适合所管辖区域的销售计划和行动, 以确保完成销售指标。 控制好促销费用和可控费用。管理其辖区内的所有场点生力公司产品的销售,以确保赢得客户满意以及啤酒销量的持续增长。配合业务推广部举行专场促销和专项促销活动。

Achieve the company\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s annual sales target by formulating and implementing suitable sales plans and actions according to the company\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s main directions and sales policies. Supervise the control of promotion expenses and controllable expenses. Supervise the sales and distributions of SM products in the assigned region to ensure satisfaction to customers and continuous growth of sales volume. Assist Trade Marketing to organize and implement promotion activities.


1. 保证适当的品牌和SKU在市场上的供应,以确保市场渗透、扩大市场份额和完成销售目标Ensures availability of appropriate brands and SKUs (multi-brand selling) focusing on brand penetration, market share management and achievement of sales targets.
2. 进行陈列生动化和渠道/消费者促销的有效管理。Ensures the proper management of merchandising and trade / consumer promotions.
3. 根据公司标准对经销渠道进行管理,包括进行陈列生动化、促销活动、收集信息、信用管理、成本管理,对代理商进行甄选、培训和发展。Manage GSMB Dealers / Distributor network with focus on multi brand selling, merchandising and promotions, information and planning, trade credit management, financial management (cost effectiveness measures), training, selection and development of Distributors, on GSMB standards.
4. 与消费者、经销商、代理商、零售商和所在地区建立良好关系Builds and maintains customer relations and goodwill between GSMB and Dealers / Distributors, trade and the community.
5. 带领所属团队完成月度和年度指标,包括销售额、市场份额、应收款、市场渗透、价格维护、网点服务、专场数量。Leads and steers his sales team in achieving the monthly and year to date targets on sales volume, market share, accounts receivable, penetration, availability, pricing compliance, outlets served, and number of outlets converted to exclusive San Miguel.
6. 制订销售计划、预算,并落实完成和提交相关报告Manages sales planning, information and reporting, budgeting, implementation and monitoring of annual sales, plans and programs.
7. 确保公司资源得到保护和合理使用Ensures that the company\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s resources under his responsibility are safeguarded and accounted for.
8. 下属人员培养:甄选、录用销售人员,每半年对销售人员进行能力评估,并从中发现培训需求,Manages sales personnel: manages the identification, hiring and deployment of sales personnel to fill the manpower needs of his organization; conducts semi annual skills assessment of sales personnel, identify training needs..
9. 在本职范围内,发现人力资源战略发展的问题并提供指导Identifies and provides directions for addressing strategic human resource development issues within the area of responsibility.

A. 学历 Education
College degree or above, major in marketing, management or relevant subject

B. 工作经验 Working Experience
Entry level: 至少5年FMCG销售工作经验,2年以上区域销售管理经验 At least 5 years of relevant sales experience in FMCG industry and 2 years hand-on experience in regional sales management role
Experienced level: 至少8年FMCG销售工作经验,3年以上区域销售管理经验 At least 8 years of relevant sales experience in FMCG industry and 3 years hand-on experience in regional sales management role

C. 技能 (包括语言能力、知识技能、领导/管理能力等) Skills (e.g. Language, Knowledge, Leadership/Management Skills, etc.)
1. Entry level: 流利的普通话和广州话、中等的英文水平Fluent Mandarin and Cantonese, average English
Experienced level: 流利的普通话和广州话、精通英语听说读写Fluent Mandarin and Cantonese, excellent in English speaking, listening, reading and writing
2. 良好的电脑操作技能
Good command of computer.
3. 良好的处理人际关系
Good at effective interpersonal communications.
D. 工作环境 (例如:须轮班工作, 须户外工作等) Working Conditions (e.g. Shifts, Outdoor, etc.)
定期拜访代理商、经销商、零售商 .
Travel regularly to visit dealers, wholesalers and retailers.
E. 其他 (例如:性格态度等) Others, e.g. Characters, Attitude, etc.
Responsible, devoted, self-disciplined



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